Plagron Lightmix is composed of the finest torba tips, selected with the mass
healing. The bundle of diverse tipi of fiber and pearl allows you to raggiungere a livello
di ariosità e un contenuto di ossigeno che solo la terra di qualità Plagron raggiunge.
For this reason, Lightmix is on the territory completely fit for purpose.
I concimato completely a proprio piacimento.
The Lightmix ensures the highest quality when it is added to Plagron Terra Grow, Terra Bloom and additivi di Plagron.
• Pre-fertilization for a week and a quick start.
• The grower can decide the fertilization scheme in a completely autonomous manner.
• Rapid filing thanks to low driving values.
• Available with or without perlite (non perlite).
: Torba bianca, torba nera, torba fibrosa, perlite.
1.5 kg/m3 NPK mineral fertilizers (12-14-24).